Board of Directors
Shifra Kolsky, Chair
Senior Vice President, Controller & Chief Accounting Officer, Discover
Linda Haase, Executive Vice President
Senior Associate Vice President, Marketing Communications, Jewish United Fund
Amy Kaufman
Founder, Studio Watershed
Bonnie Lane, MA
Principal Consultant, The Family Support Services
Courtney E. Mayster
Managing Partner, Much Shelist, PC
Hillel Morris
Data Engineer, Teaching Strategies, LLC
Dan Orenstein
Managing Partner, Orenstein & Associates, PC
Lori Shapiro
Real Estate Broker, The Judy Greenberg Group at Compass Real Estate
No Shame On U's Advisory Council is comprised of experts in mental health, education, and community building to help advance our goal of eliminating the stigma associated with mental health conditions.
Gail Berger Darlow, PhD
Faculty, Kellogg School of Management; Founder, GBD Leadership Solutions
Neil Fialkow, MD
Psychiatrist, Private Practice
David Forman
Founding Board Member
Aryn Froum, PhD
Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Private Practice
Heidi Kalman, LCSW
The Josselyn Center
Dr. Melanie Levine, PhD
Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Private Practice
Michael Simon, MPP
Executive Director, Northwestern University Hillel
Doug Winkelstein, EdD
Assistant Vice President, Jewish Education Initiatives, JUF