
A Safe Place

Last week, I was writing from a safe haven among the incredibly stressful times that have befallen the world - my friend’s house, where her dog sat by my side as I worked, happily showing me every toy in his toybox and nudging up against me if I dared to type for too long.

This week, I’ve got another dog here - specifically, my family’s dog. Thanks to over twelve hours of driving (including some incredibly stressful driving to get out of Chicago right before Gov. Pritzker sent out the order to close things down), I made it back to my family’s house several states away.

I can’t see my Nana, who I wrote about a while back for her 91st birthday, but I have been hunkered down in my childhood home with my parents and dog by my side. In two weeks, if I remain symptom-free, I’ll drive over to see Nana, and with luck, we might all be able to spend Passover together.

I may have felt like a failure last week for failing to stay in Chicago amidst the tough times, but now that I’ve gotten here and realized how good I can feel just from having other people around me and enough things to do to properly distract myself, I would do it again a hundred times over.

It reminds me of when, several years ago, I had a very hard time mental-health-wise and wound up having to leave college for a short while and come back home. Then, like last week, I felt like a total failure for not being able to cope on my own. But the second I even knew I was going - in both cases - my resting anxiety plummeted, and has remained low ever since.

I never really thought about how important it is to have a safe space, somewhere I feel so comfortable that my fears dissipate almost effortlessly. Any worries about running out of food or toilet paper or just living in a big building with other people who could be taking the restrictions lightly are completely gone, and having my family and my dog here means that I don’t have to do everything alone. If I start to feel my thoughts going somewhere I don’t want them to, it’s so easy to find someone to talk to or hug (well, air-hug, except for the dog).

In the car on the way out of Chicago, when I heard many rumors that I wouldn’t make it out of the city in time before the governor would shut it down, I started breathing fast and my heart rate got fast. It wasn’t quite a full-fledged panic attack, but it was far closer to one of those than anything I’ve had in the years since I’ve done cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). I was terrified. The only thing that helped me was the knowledge that every time I pressed my foot on the accelerator of the rental car, it was getting me a little bit closer to home.

I haven’t felt that way since, thankfully. I’ve been getting control of other things that have gotten out of control thanks to worry, like my eating and sleeping habits. I’m not showing up to virtual events in a bad mood, needing to be cheered up - my friends have noticed that I’m back to the ray of sunshine they know me as, and I can help others feel cheerful too.

My coworkers have also noticed that I’m happier, and the pace of my work has increased as I find it easier to concentrate. I’ve also made great progress in a strategic video game I was struggling with before because I simply didn’t have the brainpower to get through the puzzles after dealing with everything else going on.

I know it might be impossible, but I hope as many of you as possible can find a safe place, somewhere that feels just a little less terrifying as we weather this storm. The uncertainty of what will happen next is scaring me and many of my friends, and many of us have fled home or to other places where we feel more comfortable. Nothing will quite be normal, but I hope you find a place where things feel better enough that any fear or panic doesn’t have a chance to fully set in.


Ellie, a writer new to the Chicago area, was diagnosed with OCD at age 3. She hopes to educate others about her condition and end the stigma against mental illness.



Little Things and Hard Choices

I’m writing this post from a friend’s couch as we sit a carefully-measured six feet apart, her large dog nosing his way into my lap, shoving the keyboard aside until I make room for him.

It’s the happiest I’ve felt in days - I can actually smile without thinking about it, because I have a hard time not to when this dog is doing his darndest to shove his face in my face and cover me with kisses. It’s not the most sanitary thing in the world, even though my friend and I are both currently healthy. But it’s also completely necessary.

In the week since my last post, it feels like the world I’ve known for so long has completely collapsed. Some people say it’s the end of the world, while others continue to go out and live their lives like nothing’s wrong. I’m somewhere in the middle, and I’m having a very hard time staying positive.

The constant change of the situation, including cancellations of events, closing of restaurants and bars, is terrifying. I hate the way it’s impossible to go about my day without seeing the terrifying headlines and hearing horror stories about everything from illness and death to how many stores it’s taking my friends to find toilet paper.

Earlier in the week, I tried isolating myself as best as I could, but I soon realized that this felt like the situation when I was in the hospital, when physical health was prioritized 100% over mental health. I’ve learned since then that I can’t live like that, but in this completely unprecedented situation, it’s hard to figure out what I can do to alleviate loneliness and boredom.

I’m working from home now (or from a friend’s house, today, as the dog has started to snore by my side), so it can be easy to get through a whole day without seeing a human face. It sounded almost like a vacation at first, lots of time to play video games and catch up on books and TV shows, but it’s already started to feel like prison.

And so, I’ve decided to rent a car tomorrow and try to make it home to my family’s house. They’re many states away, but their state isn’t quite as bad as Illinois is right now, plus I can have company of people I love (and my sweet dog, who I think about as I stroke my friend’s dog) to keep my head out of its worst places.

This wasn’t a decision I made lightly. I do hope to come back in a few weeks when - hopefully - everything will be heading back to the way it was before, but as someone who can get sucked into the worrying-about-germs (and the fate of the world) spiral all too easily, it’s so much easier to not have to fight this war alone.

The decision has made me feel weak (for not being able to do what so many people around the city, country, and world are doing) and strong (for knowing my limits and doing something to help myself that won’t harm others). I’ll quarantine when I get home, especially from Nana, who I won’t see for a minimum of 14 days just to be sure. And I’ll try to be kind to myself, even when I feel like an utter failure for not being able to deal as well as my friends.

I tried to shove my mental well-being aside in the face of this crisis, but just like years ago, I can’t. Mental health has to matter, even when it feels like it should be way, way down the list. It might mean that my considerations and plans look different from my friends’, and that I have to make some hard choices about how to get through this.

To everyone out there reading this, I hope that you’re practicing self-care in a variety of ways. Try to find ways to move, even if it’s just pacing around your apartment or house. Try to do little things like watching a funny movie to get you out of a slump. Every victory matters, from the biggest to the smallest, and when we get through this, I hope we can all see how much stronger we are after the physical and mental challenges ahead.


Ellie, a writer new to the Chicago area, was diagnosed with OCD at age 3. She hopes to educate others about her condition and end the stigma against mental illness.



OCD In The Age Of Coronavirus

When I was little, every cough or sneeze was enough to set me off on a frenzied panic in which I wondered what was wrong with me and how bad it was going to get. It fed directly into my compulsions of the time, and without a doubt, getting sick was my biggest fear.

It always felt so isolating to worry so much about something that wasn’t on other people’s minds, at least not in the way I was panicking about it. I felt like I was the only one who ever worried about getting sick, who ever toted around hand sanitizer by the bottle and held my breath around anyone who’d been sick in the last while.

Nowadays, it feels like that time again - only in reverse.

Coronavirus felt distant at first - something happening in other parts of the world, something that wouldn’t become a huge deal. And then, it started to spread. As part of my job, I track headlines from around the world, and I’ve watched the panic intensify on a global scale. Locally, my friends and coworkers can talk about almost nothing else. Events I’ve scheduled are getting canceled. The prices of items I’ve used in the past to protect myself against germs both real and imaginary are skyrocketing. And in the back of my mind, familiar thoughts lurk.

Of course, there is a large difference between an actual outbreak (or pandemic, or epidemic, or whatever it’s being called nowadays) and the thoughts of often-imagined illness that infested most of my childhood. But it’s been difficult for me to process everything that’s going on with a clear head and think of logical next steps to take. I feel those old impulses beginning to rise again, especially since there is a legitimate reason to worry.

The two major ways I got past my obsessive thoughts about illness were comparing the thoughts to reality and working to get past my fears of individual symptoms. It’s a process that’s worked out well for me over the years, but it seems completely ineffective against this new threat.

If I compare the negative thoughts that have been popping up in my head lately to reality, they don’t seem too far off. While something like “someone across the room sneezed, therefore I am going to catch a terrible disease” seems far-fetched in most circumstances, it could actually happen now. And the more I see people around me acting with extreme caution, the harder it is to justify keeping my normal routine.

Not to mention, coronavirus isn’t something I’ve encountered before. I’ve had enough fevers and chills, coughs and sneezes to figure out my best response. But with coronavirus, there’s the possibility of a hospital stay, which still terrifies me even after extensive therapy, and enough people have died that I’m not only worried for myself, but also for my elderly grandmother and the rest of my family and friends.

A resurgence of negative thoughts like this is not a problem I ever expected to face. When I went to college, I thought I had “beaten” OCD. I thought my battles were all over, considering the progress I made on the specific things that bothered me. I was reconciled to the things I thought I couldn’t change, and I thought my hard work and years of therapy meant I’d never have to face any challenges from OCD again.

I’ve since discovered, thanks to both major medical incidents and the flow of everyday life, that I haven’t “beaten” OCD. I live with it still, even though the way I live with it looks very different from how I used to. Sometimes, my old strategies work, and other times, I’m in a place like this where I have to feel things out from day to day and figure out new options.

At times like these, when everything around me is telling me to panic, it’s hard to see the progress that I’ve made. It’s even harder to find a balance between taking the necessary precautions to avoid catching coronavirus and not taking things too far.

Right now, I’m working on this strategy: I’m trying to slow things down in my head by limiting the articles I read and the conversations I get into about the virus. I do the CDC-recommended things to stay safe, like washing my hands before I eat and not touching my face, but I’m not doing anything more than what the CDC has specifically said. And if I do hear someone coughing, I try my best to breathe normally, then work with my usual distractions to move forward.

Some days are better than others. Sometimes, the headlines pile up and the alarmism catches up with me, and I have a hard time focusing on work or even video games. Other times, I do things pretty normally and swat away the near-constant interruptions of the virus. Ignoring the hysteria is possible sometimes; at other times, I need to seek reassurance from loved ones that my family and I are going to be okay.

Part of growing older with OCD means that I need to accept things like this, and see the victories where they come. I need to be proud that I can sometimes go a day without thinking about the virus, or ask for reassurance two or three times instead of a dozen. It means not hating myself for the fact that the thoughts still come, but instead, trying to see how much better I am at handling this now than I would have been as a child.

Celebrating my mental health while worrying about my physical health is always difficult, but I hope to find that happy medium. To all my readers, please stay safe, and know that even if you’re having a harder time staying calm, it’s normal, and it can pass, just like the virus itself.

Ellie, a writer new to the Chicago area, was diagnosed with OCD at age 3. She hopes to educate others about her condition and end the stigma against mental illness.


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Store-Bought Is Fine

I’m not the type to go around telling everyone that I’m on mental health medication, but when I lived with roommates, it was often something they’d notice. After all, it’s part of my routine that I do every single day, and have since I was a kid.

Sometimes, when people ask, and I tell them why I take these little green pills, they’re okay with it, shrug it off, or just look around awkwardly before changing the topic. But other times, I get blatantly negative reactions like “Why are you putting chemicals in your body?” or “Why can’t you work on this on your own?”

Unhealthy and weak is what I become in their eyes, and in a few cases, it became a regular topic of discussion. Sometimes, these people would show me some exercises or a certain type of oil supposed to cure whatever’s going on in my head. Other times, they reminded me that I wasn’t doing the right thing for my body (which, of course, is their decision to make).

All of this is why I was excited to see a new addition to one of my favorite booths at C2E2 last weekend.

If you haven’t heard of Giant Microbes, they’re little plushies of diseases, important cells in the body, and other things that might appear in the context of biology. I had a few at home before the con: white and red blood cells to commemorate my being on blood thinners; chicken pox, as that was the first disease I ever got; flu, as I get the flu vaccine; and Legionnaire’s disease, which Dad bought for me before DragonCon in response to a local outbreak.

At C2E2, I added a very important new molecule to the mix: serotonin.

When my first psychiatrist explained OCD to me, she told me about neurotransmitters like serotonin that could cause symptoms like mine if they were imbalanced. She told me the medicine she prescribed would help my body make serotonin to match what a neurotypical person might create, which would make my symptoms easier to fight off.

Notice that she didn’t say what my friend thought - my medication doesn’t eradicate my symptoms entirely and make my life “easy.” Instead, it helps me keep a lower level of anxiety on a day-to-day basis to help me prepare for spikes. It makes my negative thoughts feel like a swarm of ants instead of a swarm of bloodthirsty velociraptors. I still have to deal with them on my own, but the medicine keeps me afloat long enough to get that process started by reducing both the number and intensity of negative thoughts.

Misconceptions like this, as well as other reasons both connected to and separate from the stigma against mental illness in general, keep people from seeking help and getting medicine, if that’s what works for them. I am a firm believer that medicine works for me, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without medicine.

I’m not saying that medicine is the solution for everybody, or that it’s a cure-all for any condition. But I’ve fought the anti-medicine mentality in so many ways, including from friends spiraling into depression or unable to function in everyday life, but don’t want people to think they’re weak. And even worse, they feed into the idea themselves.

No one would call someone weak for needing crutches or a cane or a wheelchair to get around due to a physical condition. People were incredibly supportive when I got hurt recently, and am using a knee brace. But the idea of needing help to fight against your own head is scary to people, and that fits right in with the stigma against mental illness. It was why I was so excited to see the serotonin molecule sitting with the other plushies at the Giant Microbes stand, and why I bought it almost immediately.

The little serotonin plushie I bought at C2E2 has the correct shape of the molecule, as well as a cute little hat with a brain cell on it, as if it’s a tourist. I like the idea of my serotonin coming in as a tourist, bringing a fresh new perspective to my thoughts that cycle over and over. Just like a tourist who isn’t better or worse than any local people in an area, the serotonin my medicine gives me isn’t worse than “natural” serotonin.

And, as one of my favorite Pinterest images says, “if you can’t make your own neurotransmitters, store-bought is fine.”

It was refreshing to see a company like Giant Microbes treating serotonin, dopamine, and other brain chemicals as something normal, and my little serotonin molecule is now placed with its other microbe buddies on my shelf. It serves as a reminder for me that, just like with the physical health conditions I’ve fought my way through, I can win this fight against OCD, and it is a blessing rather than a shame that I can “adopt” serotonin from external sources.

Ellie, a writer new to the Chicago area, was diagnosed with OCD at age 3. She hopes to educate others about her condition and end the stigma against mental illness.



What Lies Inside

Last weekend, while playing Dungeons & Dragons, my group was enacting a scene where our characters were on board a ship in a storm, and many of them (including mine) were getting seasick. When we broke for dinner, I mentioned to one of my friends in the group that it was a little hard for me to play that scene, even though it was just listening to and making sounds like we were throwing up.

When he asked why, I didn’t hesitate to tell him something along the lines of, “I’ve been afraid of throwing up for a very long time, and since I have OCD, those thoughts can get stuck in my head.”

I wouldn’t ordinarily share something like this with just anyone, but considering I’ve known this guy for close to six months and my D&D group is getting very close considering we spend a full day every week together, I thought it was safe.

His instant response: “I couldn’t tell.”

My instant response: A sigh of relief, and “Thank you.”

I was taken aback by my response. As we kept talking, I felt so strange. Why had I responded so strongly to his remark that I would normally deem well-meaning yet insensitive?

Ever since college, I’ve been trying to turn around the notion in my head that there’s something wrong with me because of my diagnosis, some hurdle that makes people not want to be around me. I came to associate my lack of friends with visible compulsions that I used to do, like stepping in a sidewalk square an even number of times, running my fingers along walls, and spitting sideways when drinking out of a water fountain. I also talked nearly constantly and had difficulty telling when people were no longer interested.

Since these actions likely contributed to my lack of childhood friends, I associated OCD with loneliness. I was firmly convinced that anyone who knew I had OCD would never want to be friends with me, and so, in order to try to make friends, I would have to hide in plain sight.

I tried to avoid talking about things I am particularly interested in, so I wouldn’t run the risk of rambling. I lived my life like I had a great big secret and couldn’t get too close to anyone, or it would come out and they wouldn’t want to spend time with me anymore.

Even with my years of trying to reverse this lifestyle and these beliefs, I still find myself in moments like these, taking neurotypicality as a compliment and a sign that I’ve done well at hiding a large part of myself. This response was so ingrained that I didn’t even realize what I said until after the conversation moved on. It was like a reflex, a knee-jerk reaction to interpret being seen as “normal” as ideal.

And yet, the more I thought about it, I realized I hadn’t been acting very “normal” that session, even though I was making an effort thanks to a new player joining the group. When someone named his new character a very obscure Tolkien reference, I practically jumped across the table, exclaiming “I got it! I knew it was from the Silmarillion!”

My friend saw that - a clear expression of a reaction too big for someone neurotypical - and still wanted to be my friend. His words were meant to comfort me, to show that he understood why I was responding that way to the seasickness scene but also to show that it didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.

He went on to say that he sees me as a passionate person with intense, but not strange, interests. He likes that I’m in the group, and knowing my diagnosis doesn’t change anything. I felt overwhelmed then, in an entirely different way, as he passed me the phone where we were all ordering food.

We were ordering food from a place where I feel comfortable eating, talking all about writing our various stories, and I couldn’t have been happier. Yes, I had that ingrained response in me, but as I looked around the room, I realized I was just as much a part of the group as anyone else, OCD and all. It wasn’t the big deal I imagined when I was little, and it felt great to learn that. I hope that one day, I’ve learned this lesson well enough that my first response isn’t relief and thanks, but for now, I’m going to add another observation to the ones I gleaned as a child:

 People living with mental illness can have friends!

Ellie, a writer new to the Chicago area, was diagnosed with OCD at age 3. She hopes to educate others about her condition and end the stigma against mental illness.